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Saturday, April 23, 2011


So, Real Madrid won the Copa del Rey late on Wednesday evening by defeating Barcelona 1:0 after extra-time, thanks to a fine header from the number one candidate for the Portuguese 2012 Olympic Games diving team, Cristiano Ronaldo. No matter, that wasn't the big news this week; the big news was indeed caused by a Real Madrid player at around 04:30 on Thursday morning during an extremely late (early??) parade through Madrid by the conquering heroes themselves, with the Copa del Rey in tow.

Unfortunately, it wasn't kept long enough in tow as Sergio Ramos, who has proved himself to be a reckless bugger on the field, proved himself to be an equally reckless bugger off the field as well by dropping the Copa del Rey from the roof of the bus onto the ground, and the hapless bus-driver could do nothing only run over the trophy.

The cup was pictured rolling merrily along under the bus; it was later learned that there were 10 pieces of the cup that were left scattered over a respectable distance. If only the bus-driver had learned to stick the boot in half as quickly as some of Jose Moaninho's charges..

To view the incident at hand (sorry, but this blogsite is not equipped with screens, only link thingys - this is not the BBC or a blogsite belonging to some flash bod with access to all the latest gimmicks), kindly click on the link below, which has been culled from You Tube:

Mind you, poor old Sergio need not feel alone. In Brazil in 2009, Corinthians captain William was holding aloft the Paulista state championship trophy when this happened (again, culled without any scent of conscience from You Tube):

Fortunately, no-one was injured as a result of the incident. There has been no word of whether the São Paulo state authorities have tightened their health and safety guidelines in the light of what happened.

Never mind, Sergio Ramos has surely learned something after Wednesday evening (and it wasn't how to tackle): the next time Real Madrid win anything, he should let Iker Casillas hold the trophy. That way, the trophy will be in safe hands....

By the way, apologies to anyone who was expecting a treatise on the current state of football in Turkmenistan (it will not be happening this year); this was all just too good to miss....

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