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Wednesday, April 16, 2014


The 2014 Coppa Vaticano, now known as the Coppa Sergio Valci, the former president of the Attivita SDV who died last year, begins on 28/4/14 and will feature the eight teams which took part in the recently-concluded league championship, which was won for the second year in a row by San Pietro. San Pietro also won the 2013 Coppa Vaticano, and will thus be looking to win their second double in as many years.

The eight teams will be split in to two groups and play three group games each, with the top two teams in each group progressing to the semi-finals, which will be played over two legs. The final itself is scheduled to take place on 3/6/14. The Supercoppa, which is played between the league champions and the cup winners, is due to be played on 9/6/14. Should San Pietro win the double, they will be expected to line up against Santos, runners-up in the league competition.

Please find below the fixture-list for the 2014 Coppa Sergio Valci.

GROUP A: Ass. SS P & P; Dirtel; Guardia FC; San Pietro

28/4/14 19:45 Ass. SS P & P : Dirtel
29/4/14 20:45 San Pietro : Guardia FC
05/5/14 20:45 San Pietro : Dirtel
09/5/14 20:45 Guardia FC : Ass. SS P & P
13/5/14 19:45 San Pietro : Ass. S P & P
13/5/14 20:45 Dirtel : Guardia

GROUP B: Fortitudo 2007; Musei Vaticani; Pantheon SD; Santos

28/4/14 20:45 Musei Vaticani : Fortitudo 2007
29/4/14 19:45 Santos : Pantheon SD
05/5/14 19:45 Santos : Fortitudo 2007
06/5/14 19:45 Musei Vaticani : Pantheon SD
12/5/14 19:45 Fortitudo 2007 : Pantheon SD
12/5/14 20:45 Santos : Musei Vaticani 


19/5/14 19:45 A1 : B2 (SF1)
19/5/14 20:45 B1 : A2 (SF2)
26/5/14 19:45 A2 : 1B
26/5/14 20:45 B2 : 1A


03/6/14 19:45 SF1 : SF2



09/06/14 19:45 San Pietro (Champions) : Cup Winners

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