Tuesday, October 20, 2015


At the time of writing, the 2015-16 Vatican City league championship, or the Campionato Stagione Calcistica Vaticana, is well under way, with eight teams participating in this season's tournament. One well-known name is missing from this season's championship: San Pietro, champions in 2012-13 and 2013-14, have elected not to take part. Meanwhile, 2008-09 champions Gendarmeria are back after an absence of five years, and there is also a new name in the shape of Virtus 51.

There was a surprise in the very first game of the season on 12/10/15, when reigning champions Musei Vaticani lost 2:1 to the returning Gendarmeria. Games between the Associazione Società Sportiva Pietro e Paolo and Guardia are generally close, high-scoring affairs, and their tussle on 12/10/15 was no exception, with Ass. SS P&P winning by the odd goal in seven. 

The following evening, Dirtel defeated Fortitudo/Pantheon SD 4:2, whilst débutants Virtus 51 began their season with a more than creditable 1:1 with Santos.

This year's championship formula has been tweaked a little, with the first-placed team at the end of the regular season going straight into the championship final, which is scheduled to take place on 14/03/16. Before that, the second- to fifth-placed teams will be taking part in the semi-finals, with an extra semi-final/play-off between the winners of both games being used to determine the second finalist. It appears that there has been no provision made for a third-place final.

Please find below the fixture list for the 2015-16 Campionato SCV, the forty-third in the country's history.


12/10/15 19:45 Musei Vaticani 1:2 Gendarmeria (Secone; Carilli 2)
12/10/15 20:45 Ass. SS P&P 4:3 Guardia (Panella 2, C Del Nero, Rinaldin, OG; Moresco, Perera, OG)
13/10/15 19:45 Dirtel 4:2 Fortitudo 2007/Pantheon (Grecco 2, Pacenza; Cataldo, Della Porta)
13/10/15 20:45 Virtus 51 1:1 Santos (Appetecchia; Puoti)
19/10/15 19:45 Fortitudo/Pantheon : Ass. SS P&P
19/10/15 20:45 Gendarmeria : Guardia
22/10/15 19:45 Santos : Musei Vaticani
22/10/15 20:45 Dirtel : Virtus 51
26/10/15 19:45 Ass. SS P&P : Gendarmeria
26/10/15 20:45 Virtus : Guardia 
27/10/15 19:45 Dirtel : Santos
27/10/15 20:45 Musei Vaticani : Fortitudo/Pantheon
09/10/15 19:45 Gendarmeria : Dirtel
09/10/15 20:45 Guardia : Musei Vaticani
10/10/15 19:45 Santos : Ass. SS P&P
10/10/15 20:45 Fortitudo/Pantheon : Virtus 51
16/10/15 19:45 Ass. SS P&P : Dirtel
16/10/15 20:45 Guardia : Santos
17/10/15 19:45 Fortitudo/Pantheon : Gendarmeria
17/10/15 20:45 Virtus 51 : Musei Vaticani
23/11/15 19:45 Santos : Fortitudo/Pantheon
23/11/15 20:45 Dirtel : Guardia
26/11/15 19:45 Musei Vaticani : Ass. SS P&P
26/11/15 20:45 Gendarmeria : Virtus 51
30/11/15 19:45 Dirtel : Musei Vaticani
30/11/15 20:45 Guardia : Fortitudo/Pantheon
01/12/15 19:45 Dirtel : Musei Vaticani
01/12/15 20:45 Virtus 51 : Ass. SS P&P
14/12/15 19:45 Fortitudo/Pantheon
14/12/15 20:45 Guardia : Ass. SS P&P
15/12/15 19:45 Gendarmeria : Musei Vaticani
15/12/15 20:45 Santos : Virtus 51
18/01/16 19:45 Ass. SS P&P : Fortitudo/Pantheon
18/01/16 20:45 Guardia : Gendarmeria
19/01/16 19:45 Musei Vaticani : Santos
19/01/16 20:45 Virtus 51 : Dirtel
25/01/16 19:45 Gendarmeria : Ass. SS P&P
25/01/16 20:45 Guardia : Virtus 51 
26/01/16 19:45 Santos : Dirtel
26/01/16 20:45 Fortitudo/Pantheon : Musei Vaticani
01/02/16 19:45 Dirtel : Gendarmeria
01/02/16 20:45 Musei Vaticani : Guardia
02/02/16 19:45 Ass. SS P&P : Santos
02/02/16 20:45 Virtus 51 : Fortitudo/Pantheon
08/02/16 19:45 Dirtel : Ass. SS P&P
08/02/16 20:45 Santos : Guardia
09/02/16 19:45 Gendarmeria : Fortitudo/Pantheon
09/02/16 20:45 Musei Vaticani : Virtus 51


29/02/16 19:45 2nd : 5th (SF1)
29/02/16 20:45 3rd : 4th (SF2)


07/03/16 19:45 SF1 : SF2 (PO)


14/03/16 19:45 1st : PO

AUTHOR'S NOTE: As ever, thanks to the ACDV (Attività Calcistici Dipendenti Vaticani) and their representative for kindly forwarding the above information.

1 comment:

  1. Very informative and impressive post you have written, this is quite interesting and i have went through it completely, an upgraded information is shared, keep sharing such valuable information. Pantheon SCV
