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Friday, August 19, 2011


The draw for the Pacific Games' Men's tournament, which is due to be held in New Caledonia at the end of this month, took place just under a month ago, and will feature eleven national sides from across the Pacific region.

The competition was originally intended to form the basis for the OFC qualifiers for the 2014 World Cup, but that plan had to be shelved following the inclusion of Guam, a member nation of the AFC, in the tournament. A separate competition, consisting of three stages, will be held to determine the Oceania representatives in an inter-continental play-off with the fourth-placed side from the CONCACAF qualifiers, which itself will take place in late 2013.

The fixture-list for the Pacific Games Men's tournament is outlined below.


27/8/11 09:00 Tuvalu : American Samoa (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
27/8/11 12:00 Solomon Islands : Guam (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
27/8/11 15:00 New Caledonia : Vanuatu (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
30/8/11 09:00 Vanuatu : Tuvalu (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
30/8/11 12:00 American Samoa : Solomon Islands (Stade Boewa, Boulari)
30/8/11 15:00 Guam : New Caledonia (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
1/9/11 09:00 American Samoa : Guam (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
1/9/11 12:00 Tuvalu : New Caledonia (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
1/9/11 15:00 Vanuatu : Solomon Islands (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
3/9/11 09:00 Guam : Vanuatu (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
3/9/11 12:00 Solomon Islands : Tuvalu (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
3/9/11 15:00 New Caledonia : American Samoa (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
5/9/11 09:00 Guam : Tuvalu (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
5/9/11 12:00 American Samoa : Tuvalu (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)
5/9/11 15:00 Solomon Islands : New Caledonia (Rivière Salée, Nouméa)


27/8/11 10:00 Papua New Guinea : Cook Islands (Stade Boewa, Boulari)
27/8/11 15:00 Fiji : Tahiti (Stade Boewa, Boulari)
30/8/11 10:00 Fiji : Kiribati (Stade Boewa, Boulari)
30/8/11 15:00 Tahiti : Cook Islands (Stade Boewa, Boulari)
1/9/11 10:00 Cook Islands : Kiribati (Stade Boewa, Boulari)
1/9/11 15:00 Tahiti : Papua New Guinea (Stade Boewa, Boulari)
3/9/11 10:00 Kiribati : Papua New Guinea (Stade Boewa, Boulari)
3/9/11 15:00 Cook Islands : Fiji (Stade Boewa, Boulari)
5/9/11 10:00 Kiribati : Tahiti (Stade Boewa, Boulari)
5/9/11 15:00 Papua New Guinea : Fiji (Stade Boewa, Boulari)


7/9/11 15:00 (Stade Yoshida, Koné)
7/9/11 15:00 (Stade Hnasse, Lifou)


9/9/11 15:00 (Stade Boewa, Boulari)


9/9/11 15:00 (Stade Numa Daly, Nouméa)

Please note that kick-off times listed are under local (New Caledonian) time.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Many thanks to Priscilla Duncan, on behalf of the OFC, for granting permission to reproduce the above fixture-list. More information on the competition can be found on the confederation website:

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